
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Scanner software

are a strange thing. When all other softwares get greater user interface and better workflow capability scanner software are old school as if they was made in DOS in late 1990. Terrible workflow and ugly. I have used two of the more capable ones, VueScan and Silverfast. VueScan are very active, there are new updates all the time but scanning 12o film in a Nikon 9000ED are a pain in the rear end. I have to hand hold and adjust for every single frame just to get the framing right and there are no consistency in the adjustment, trial and error every time. I got enough of that and tried Silverfast in stead. I have used it for my Epson V750 and it is a little better to use. Downside are the price plan. It´s very expensive and you have to by a new versin for every scanner or if you upgrade to a newer later on, VueScan is one license for all scanners. Any how I was sick of VueScan and stressed my card with a new purchase for a license to the Nikon. It is easier to use and there are as many possibilities as in VueScan. I have not got over the pricing so I can´t say it´s a good buy, it´s a ok product, not perfect. Even if it got batch processing is it not a easy task to do, maybe I will find the right way to use it. I like the files that I can get out of it and the Nikon Coolscan 9000ED but thats all, I wish they could realise that it´s 2015 and a good user interface in combination with good algoritms and regular updates that would make them kings on the market. The bottom for analog photography have we put behind us and the interest for the medium are growing. It will never be as big as it was but it´s gonna be a big number of users that are in need of good scanners and good scanner software. So for now on I will give Silverfast a try and see if I can get along with it,



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